In order to develop this event in an organised form, an application format has been created for the community to apply. It is preferred and recommended that only teams that have ensured a minimun of 8 players should apply. The player limit per team is 8 for teams, and 9 for clans.
To make the team application, the captain (must be the captain) should create a new topic in the Team Applications board by clicking in the button that says
Create topic. The title of the topic (subject) should be the word CLAN/TEAM
(depending on how your team should be identified), a hyphen (-), plus the name of your team/clan. It should look like this:
For clans: CLAN- Vice Underdogs
For teams: TEAM- The Warhogs
After the previous step is succesfully done, the topic creator (must be the captain of the team) should fill up the next format:
Team name:
Team captain:
Team members:
Team Bases (ID):
Once you are finished with the previous steps, press the button on the bottom right of your screen that says
Post and then your application process should be finished.