This is the list of teams that will compete in the VCTT 2022 edition:
Ultimate 1nsurrectionists
- [u1]Lederhos, [u1]QarZ, [u1]S75, [u1]Fox, [u1_A]JeFFy, [u1_A]darvin, [u1_A]burak, [u1_A]KripTon, [u1_J]RXT.
Bases: Spand Express (149), Schuman Healthcare Center (52)
Mad Resurrection
- [RT]Hazard, [MD]LumberJacK, [MDt]d4rkxrd, [MDt]zayn, [RT]sevrin, [RT]ZeeX. [MK]Danish Marnus/Clarke.
Bases: The Bad Blood (107), Biker Bar (9).
The Racist Club
- [MK]Spiller, [MK]Aegon, [MK]Martyrdom, V1sioN., Ulrich, [MK]ibee, [MKs]Blackeagle, SkaZ.
Bases: Downtown Ammunation Compound (35), Phils Place (6).
The Radical Commune
- =TRC=jUan*, =TRC=Gohan, =TRC=ElaWi, =TRC=Domek, =TRC=Ulkz0r, =TRC=Tic*, =TRC=ELK and =TRC=Pavonis.
Bases: Vice City Transport Police Parking (76), Docks (22).
Vice Underdogs
- [VU]Ferrari32, Inferno, Vedder, Alpays, Siezer, Omarosh, Blitz, Major, JoOoOOoo.
Bases: Airport Jetty (20), The Projects (28).