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Messages - Genesis

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Ban appeal -Kingroth~
« on: December 07, 2021, 01:57:34 pm »
Nick used whilst ingame: Kingroth
Time and Date that you were banned: 12/7/2021 6:40 (I guess the time is correct)
Suspected Reason (if any): Aimlock
Admin that banned you (if known): Admin Server
Extra note: So aoa/hello I was searching for a cool hud when I spotted a hud called "WKS gang hud" I downloaded it. I was a .bat file. I ran it and it did something and a .dll called "ddraw.dll" was in my gta vc folder. Idk what was it so without taking any notice I joined a/d to see what kind of hud was that. I joined and the server kicked me. I joined again and it kicked me again. Then I joined another server and it also kicked me with reason "suspicious mod detected". I was like "wtf?". Again I joined a/d and server banned me with reason "aimlock detected . I said to myself "srsly wtf?" I thought that dll has some kind of prob cuz game ran fine yesterday. So I deleted it and joined server "LW" and it ran unlike previously that server didn't kicked me. So in short that .bat file from WKS was aimbot and I didn't knew it, so you know : ( btw I'll send my folder pics via discord my id: Genesis.#1435
Will send from discord cuz whenver I put my pic on this appeal it open a new window with the picture I put here :/

Player Applications / Application-Master_Chief
« on: November 16, 2021, 03:06:41 pm »
Nickname: Master_Chief
Average Ping in VCAD: 150-190
Location: Pakistan
Timezone (GMT +/-):Gmt+5
Discord: Genesis#1435

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