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Messages - MD619

Pages: [1]
Staff Recruitment / Re: Expression of Interest | VCAD Staff
« on: July 19, 2024, 03:16:38 pm »
Current Nickname:[VU]MD619
Previous Nicknames:[NYB]MD619, [NYB]RDX, [ON]MD619, Eagle(vcmp 0.3)
Country/Timezone:Pakistan|GMT +5:00
How many hours do you spend in VCAD a day?depends upon player count, if there are players I usually play till everyone quits.
Administrative Experience:RTV Admin Associate, Asian City Moderator, Vccnr Admin in 0.3, and forgot some because my vcmp journey has been long.
Why do you want to be a part of our staff?:As it is the time vcmp is experiencing all time low player count and most of the old experienced players have either completely quit or gone for prolonged inactivity so I realised remaining active servers of vcmp need active admins who can regularly check and help out players and keep an eye on rule-breakers and cheaters. There has been variety of latest cheats being used and distributed among vcmp players such as Aurora, wep.dat and doomhack etc. For recognition of players using these cheats active admins are needed so I consider myself knowledgeable about this and thus have showed interest in administrating VCAD.
Additional Information:thanks

Accepted as Moderator.

Player Applications / Reserve Application
« on: January 18, 2022, 02:19:05 pm »
Nickname: [VU]MD619
Average Ping in VCAD: 200
Location: Pakistan
Timezone (GMT +/-): GMT+5
Discord: MD619#3530

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