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Command List
« on: June 09, 2021, 10:08:24 am »

Vice City Attack & Defense Server Commands:

This is a list of all the commands in the server that a player can use for various purposes as described below. All the commands mentioned here can be used by any player. We can enter the texting mode by pressing 't' when in game and then we can type the commands mentioned below according to what we need(TMI?).

  • /register: This command is used to register in the server. Usage: /register (ENTER YOUR PASSWORD WITHOUT SPACES HERE).To better understand the registration system, click here.
  • /login: When we join the server we can log in using the password we registered with, using this command. Usage: /login (ENTER PASSWORD YOU USED FOR REGISTRATION HERE)
  • /rules: Lists the basic rules of the server. For a better understanding of the rules, click here.
  • /help: This is the first and foremost command one should suggest when a new player wants to learn the mechanics of the server, A short description about the game-mode will be given along with a gateway to browse the command list.
  • /cmds: A list of all the usable commands in the server will appear.
  • /changepass: This command is used if one chooses to change their password of their in-game account. Usage: /changepass (NEW PASSWORD)
  • /uptime: This command tells us for how long has the server been up since the last restart.
  • /score: This command tells us the current score for both the teams.
  • /teamhp: We can know the total Team Health of both teams using this team. Combined Team Health means the addition of HP of all the alive team members.
  • /players: This command lists all the players in each team who are currently spawned.
  • /wholeft: This command lists all the alive players who are in the round from each team.
  • /stats: We can view the statistics(K/D/A/...) of any player using this command. Usage: /stats (Player Name)
  • /wepstats: This command tells us our weapon specific statistics. We can't view other players' wepstats. For that, refer the webstats.
  • /base: To know what base is being played right now.
  • /side: To know what is your side (Attacker/Defender).
  • /setlist: This command lists all the sets that one can choose from in a round. Refer Set Selection Tutorial for more information. (COMING SOON)
  • /set: We use this command in the beginning of the round to choose a set (0-8). Usage: /set (SET NUMBER)
  • /put: We can use this command to put ourselves back to the set selection menu. We can only use this command if the first blood hasn't been done and we are atleast 300 meters away from the enemy team.
  • /go: When we're in /put set selection menu, we can use this command to exit the menu and proceed with the round.
  • /flip: We can use this command to flip our vehicles in case the vehicle goes upside down.
  • /hide: This command can be used to hide our vehicles when we're inside them. The vehicle needs to be completely still before we proceed to hide them.
  • /ping: Tells the current ping of the player. Usage: /ping (PLAYER NAME)
  • /fps: Tells the current fps of the player. Usage: /fps (PLAYER NAME)
  • /ignore: This command can be used to completely ignore a player. We use this command to avoid toxicity. No messages will appear for the player you have ignored, however, their kill or death logs will still be visible. Usage: /ignore (PLAYER NAME)
  • /unignore: This command can be used to un-ignore a player. Once un-ignored, all the texts and messages from the player will start appearing normally. Usage: /unignore (PLAYER NAME)
  • /a: Lists all the animations one can use in the main lobby.
  • /forums: Shows the link to VCAD Forums.
  • /discord: Shows the VCAD Discord Invite Link.
  • /credits: Shows all the members who have contributed in the making and development of the server.
  • /admins: Lists all the online staff members currently present in the server.
  • /report: This command is used to report anyone in-game who is breaking any rules. Usage: /report (PLAYERNAME) (REASON). Note: It is preferable that you collect at least some evidence for better a better judgement of the report.
  • /votekick: This command can be used if there is no staff member present in the server, for players to remove the rulebreakers themselves. The guy getting votekicked needs a majority of votes to get kicked. The kicked player can always rejoin so make sure to poke staff members via the /report command. Usage: /votekick (PLAYER NAME)
  • /voteend: This command can be used if there is no staff member present to end a round. Again, there needs to be a majority of votes for the round to actually end.
  • /carhp: It shows the current HP of the vehicle you're using.
  • /votebase: This command can be used to vote for a base from the selection of bases in the main lobby, Usage: /votebase (1/2/3/4)
  • /topkillers: Shows a list of the top 5 killers of the server.
  • /toprangekillers: Shows a list of the top 5 longest ranged kills.
  • /topclans: Shows a list of top clans of the server (Based on number of kills).
  • /topdrowns: Shows a list of top 5 players who have drowned the most.
  • /mytokens: Shows the number of RPG tokens you currently have. You get 5 tokens per day and lose 1 token whenever you pick Set 6 (RPG). We can earn tokens by getting an Ultra Kill (4 kills in a single round). Tokens reset to 5 everyday at 00:00GMT.
  • /teaminfo: This command is used to tell the advanced team information in game. It shows the combined HP, average ping and average fps of each team.