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Topics - Nassim^

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Unban appeal - [F2]Nassim
« on: January 20, 2022, 03:22:11 pm »
Nick used whilst ingame: [F2]Nassim (Never used it before because I never joined VCAD)
Time and Date that you were banned: 3 months ago ?
Suspected Reason (if any): Ties with hacker and crashing server.
Admin that banned you (if known): Idk, maybe Siezer.
Extra note:
Well, my last app got denied on 9 december 2021. and again, I posting another application because I sincerely wanna get unban to play with clanmates, also rest of the guys got unban too and i accept my mistake. i can assure you that it wont happen again in future.
Am so sorry...
My old unban app:

Ban Appeals / Ban appeal - [F2]Nassim
« on: December 09, 2021, 03:17:52 pm »
Nick used whilst ingame: Never played vcad and btw i use [F2]Nassim in other servers.
Time and Date that you were banned: like 2 months ago since the PL drama.
Suspected Reason (if any): Ties with kewun.
Admin that banned you (if known): idk
Extra note:
Ok so literally, I was banned for completely wrong reasons by these MKs and it was called community ban(kinda funny lol) The thing is, I never crashed any server lol, and why would I do when I myself play vcmp and enjoying the game, so I wont let vcmp die that way. Its just PL drama to degrade me because of personal issues.
Again im sorry even if you feel like i crash server or smthing i apologize for that actually, because its my fault and everyone was saying crash server & etc in the WK discord, but they're not in PL community ban lmao....
once again I sorry for that...

Player Applications / Application - [F2]Nassim
« on: November 16, 2021, 05:25:57 pm »
Nickname: [F2]Nassim
Average Ping in VCAD: 50 - 70
Location: Algeria
Timezone (GMT +/-): +1
Discord: Nassim^#6507

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