Vice City Attack & Defence > Ban Appeals

Ban appeal -Kingroth~


Nick used whilst ingame: Kingroth
Time and Date that you were banned: 12/7/2021 6:40 (I guess the time is correct)
Suspected Reason (if any): Aimlock
Admin that banned you (if known): Admin Server
Extra note: So aoa/hello I was searching for a cool hud when I spotted a hud called "WKS gang hud" I downloaded it. I was a .bat file. I ran it and it did something and a .dll called "ddraw.dll" was in my gta vc folder. Idk what was it so without taking any notice I joined a/d to see what kind of hud was that. I joined and the server kicked me. I joined again and it kicked me again. Then I joined another server and it also kicked me with reason "suspicious mod detected". I was like "wtf?". Again I joined a/d and server banned me with reason "aimlock detected . I said to myself "srsly wtf?" I thought that dll has some kind of prob cuz game ran fine yesterday. So I deleted it and joined server "LW" and it ran unlike previously that server didn't kicked me. So in short that .bat file from WKS was aimbot and I didn't knew it, so you know : ( btw I'll send my folder pics via discord my id: Genesis.#1435
Will send from discord cuz whenver I put my pic on this appeal it open a new window with the picture I put here :/

Hey Master_Chief,

Our staff doesn't believe the story which you presented in your appeal. Considering, you've been asking for the aimbot through private messages from various people or we can players who had been using it at some point in the past makes it clear that your intentions were wrong, or most likely you were doing this for MAGNA matches. Moreover, some of us also hold the opinion that you are sane enough to understand which links should be opened by you. With the wave of an aimbot and fake links these days, it is up to you to be cautious about the links. However, as said earlier, we aren't convinced with whatever you said in your defense. I will drop one example of you asking for an aim assistance tool:

This ban won't be lifted, you will stay banned for six months and consequently be kicked from MAGNA as announced earlier by one of our staff members.


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